Valencia, November 13, 2024 // In a heartbreaking turn of events, the bodies of Izan and Rubén Matías, two young children swept away during the devastating DANA floods in Torrent, have been found lifeless near Catarroja, several kilometers from where they disappeared. The family, after days of agony, shared a poignant message: “Our little angels are now resting from the heavens.”
The boys, aged 3 and 5, went missing two weeks ago when torrential rains brought by the DANA (Isolated Depression at High Levels) hit their neighborhood in Torrent. It was an unforeseen tragedy—the children were in their home when a container carried by a passing trailer became unhinged, crashing violently into the room they were occupying. The impact sent both Izan and Rubén into the raging floodwaters, setting off a desperate search across the region.
Their disappearance mobilized not only local emergency teams, including the Spanish Military Emergency Unit (UME), but also community members and specialized rescue groups from around the world. Among the most notable were “Los Topos Aztecas,” a team of renowned Mexican rescuers, who joined the effort despite the daunting conditions, and who were working and assisted by the Scientology Volunteer Ministers who provided logistical support and aided, with many other citizen groups, in the relentless search operation.
Despite daily searches, hopes of finding the children alive slowly dwindled as the days wore on. The area was combed repeatedly, with experts estimating the possible path of the floodwaters to track down the missing boys. Yesterday, the exhaustive search came to a tragic conclusion when both bodies were located together, several kilometers downstream from the house they had once played in.
The story of Izan and Rubén has captured the hearts of many, highlighting both the fragility of life in the face of natural disasters and the extraordinary lengths that people will go to in times of crisis. Rescue teams worked day and night, enduring the challenges of muddy waters and unpredictable weather conditions, hoping against hope for a miracle that never came.
Among the different organizations that assisted, the role of “Los Topos Aztecas” stood out for their bravery, with the seasoned Mexican team arriving in Spain as soon as news of the disaster spread. Their dedication was matched by the “Scientology Volunteer Ministers,” who provided critical coordination, distributing resources and assisting families and teams on the ground.
Although the outcome has been a tragic one, the collective response to the disappearance of Izan and Rubén is a testament to the humanity that surfaces in times of need. Local residents, professional rescue units, and international teams all worked together tirelessly, exemplifying a community united by love and compassion. While the children could not be saved, the dedication of those involved brought some small measure of closure to the grieving family.
“Our hearts are broken, but we’re forever grateful to those who never stopped looking for our boys,” said a family member through tears. As Valencia mourns the loss of these two young lives, the community’s resilience stands as a reminder that, even amidst devastation, people come together—strangers turned allies in a fight against despair.
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