Japanese electronic brand Toshiba on June 12 launched Google TV platform-based C350NP range of smart televisions in India. Offered in 43-inch, 50-inch, 55-inch, and 75-inch display options, the Toshiba C350NP Smart TVs support Dolby Vision HDR and Dolby Atmos surround sound. Priced at Rs 26,999 onwards, all four display sizes will be available for purchase from June 12 on e-commerce platforms Amazon India and Flipkart.
Toshiba C350NP Smart TV: Details
The Toshiba C350NP Smart TVs are powered by REGZA Engine ZR, which upscales video content to near 4K resolution. Additionally, the REGZA Engine ZR enables auto colour correction and dynamic tone mapping, which analyses each frame and adjusts the content brightness accordingly. For audio, the smart TVs boast REGZA Power Audio in addition to Dolby Atmos surround sound for a more immersive audio experience that compliments the visuals.
Toshiba said that the C350NP Smart TV features a dedicated “Sports Mode” for better motion capturing while watching live sports. The TV also features a “Game Mode”, which the company said offers optimised rendering capabilities and minimal input lag. Game Mode adds support for features like ALLM (Auto Low Latency Mode) and VRR (Variable Refresh Rate) for a better gaming experience on the Smart TV. Other notable features include Bluetooth 5.3, dual-band Wi-Fi connectivity, HDMI, and USB media player.
Toshiba said the TV has been tested for durability, performance and functionality under different conditions to ensure that it can withstand regular use and deliver optimal performance.
First Published: Jun 12 2024 | 1:37 PM IST