In a world where hostility towards religious minorities persists, the need for strong responses to religious hatred has never been more urgent. The duty of States to prevent and respond to acts of violence and discrimination based on religion is firmly established in international human rights law. However, recent incidents of desecration and discrimination have reignited debate on how best to address and prevent such acts.
On March 8, 2024, a pivotal event titled “Strengthening responses to religious hatred” will take place in Room XXV, Palais des Nations, Geneva.
This event, organized by ADF International and co-sponsored by Jubilee Campaign, CAP Liberté de Conscience, Fundación para la Mejora de la Vida, la Cultura y la Sociedad, aims to highlight the importance of strengthening approaches anchored in international human rights law. human rights to combat religious hatred.
Distinguished speakers including Ms Fiona Bruce MP, Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion and Belief, United Kingdom; HE Mgr Ettore Balestrero Apostolic Nuncio, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations Office; Ms. Tehmina Arora, Director of Advocacy in Asia, ADF International; Mr. Joseph Janssen, Advocacy Officer, Jubilee Campaign; and Mr. Jonas Fiebrantz, Head of Advocacy at ADF International, will lead a panel discussion on key issues surrounding religious hatred.
The panel will address crucial topics such as trends in violations against religious communities, the international human rights framework on responses to religious hatred, the shortcomings of restrictive approaches and examples of empowerment practices. The event will conclude with a Q&A session, providing attendees with the opportunity to engage with speakers and deepen the discussion.
At a time when the rights and freedoms of religious minorities are under threat, it is essential that global actors come together and commit to implementing empowering strategies to combat religious hatred. States, the UN, civil society and religious actors all have a role to play in promoting social resilience and respecting human rights in the face of religious intolerance.
I can only applaud such inclusive initiatives. Together, let’s fight for a world where all people can practice their beliefs freely, without the threat of discrimination or violence. It is essential that global stakeholders commit to implementing empowerment strategies to combat religious hatred. Their support, engagement and advocacy are essential to promote social resilience and defend human rights in the face of religious intolerance.
The event concept note, as well as the full list of co-sponsors, are available at this address. link.
Please confirm your presence by email to [email protected] no later than Monday March 4, 2024.
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