Exorbitant prices for water, coffee and food at European Union airports have long been a source of frustration for travelers. Despite efforts to resolve this problem, airport vendors continue to charge consumers significantly higher rates than standard market rates for these basic necessities.
One of the main causes of these inflated prices is the high rent that airport vendors have to pay to operate within the airport premises. [1] Airports often charge higher rates for the limited retail space available, which sellers then pass on to consumers in the form of higher prices. Additionally, costs associated with delivering goods to the airport, such as increased parking fees and warehousing fees, also contribute to rising prices. [1]
Another factor contributing to the problem is the lack of competition within airport terminals. Once passengers pass through security, they are effectively captive to the food and beverage options available, leaving them with no choice but to pay the asking price. [1] This lack of competition allows sellers to keep their prices high without fear of losing customers to more affordable alternatives.
The issue of water pricing has attracted particular attention, with the European Parliament addressing it in a written question. [2] The issue highlighted the worrying trend of bottled water being priced at or above the price of alcoholic beverages at European airports, raising public health concerns as consumers may be being encouraged to choose less healthy options. [2] Airports Council International (ACI) Europe had previously recommended capping the price of bottled water at €1 per 50cl bottle, but this recommendation has not been consistently implemented across European airports. [2]
The impact of these high prices is not limited to individual consumers. A recent Reddit post from a traveler at Dublin Airport revealed the staggering cost of a simple breakfast, consisting of a black coffee, two croissants and three pots of granola with plain yogurt, costing €30. [3] These exorbitant prices not only burden travelers, but also raise concerns about the accessibility and affordability of basic subsistence products for those transiting through European airports.
Attempts have been made to address this problem, such as the European Parliament’s written question calling on the European Commission to consider requiring all EU airports to provide drinking fountains throughout their terminals. [5] However, progress in this area has been slow and the problem of high food and drink prices at airports remains a persistent challenge for European travelers.
In conclusion, the excessively high prices of water, coffee and food at EU airports are a multifaceted problem that stems from a combination of factors, including high rents, delivery costs and a lack of competition. While efforts have been made to address the problem, more comprehensive and coordinated action is needed to ensure that travellers can access basic necessities at reasonable prices when transiting through European airports. [1][2][3][4][5]
Citations :[1] https://simpleflying.com/why-is-airport-food-so-expensive/[2] https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2023-002603_FR.html[3] https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/ygh0vw/dublin_airport_prices_for_breakfast/[4] https://viettaste.mylocalkfc.com/eu-airport-food-and-drink-prices-unmasking-the-extortionate-charges[5] https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-8-2015-014480_FR.html
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