Pope Francis asks children gathered at Rome stadium for the first World Children’s Day (WCD) to pray for their peers suffering from war and injustice and encourages them to continue dreaming of a better future .
Last year Lisa Zengarini
Some 50,000 children from several countries around the world gathered Saturday afternoon at the Olympic Stadium in Rome to meet Pope Francis and reflect with him on their importance in the future of the world, as part of the first ever World Day of childhood (JMB). Peace was the main theme of the event.
The Pope arrived at 4:40 p.m. on his popemobile and was greeted with applause and the anthem “A Beautiful World,” sung by the choir of the Diocese of Rome.
With children, everything talks about life and the future
He then addressed the lively young audience with a brief introductory speech in which he called on the children to respond.
The Pope opened his speech by noting that among children “everything speaks of life and the future,” and reaffirming that the Church, “like a mother,” welcomes and accompanies them “with tenderness and hope.”
He explained that he was inspired to convene World Children’s Day by the meeting he held with children at the Vatican on November 7 on the theme “Let us learn from boys and girls.” “I realized that our conversation needed to continue and expand to more children and young people,” he said.

Pray for children who suffer from wars and injustice
The Pope then addressed a series of questions with the children, starting from the numerous wars raging in several parts of the world. “Are you sad because of the wars? », “Is war a good thing? » ; “Is peace beautiful? » he asked, inviting the young audience to pray for children who suffer from wars, cannot go to school, are hungry or are neglected.
Pope Francis then drew their attention to the motto of the event: “Behold, I make all things new.” (Revelation 21:5). “It’s beautiful because it tells us that God brings new things into being,” he says.
Continue to be cheerful
Finally, the Holy Father encouraged the children to move forward with courage and joy, which are “the health of the soul,” saying that Jesus loves them. He concluded by inviting them to pray the Hail Mary with him.
A living dialogue on peace and faith
After his greetings speech, Pope Francis continued his dialogue, with children representing five continents asking him several questions.
“Is it true that peace is always possible? » asked Jeronimo from Colombia. Francis once again recalled the importance of apologizing and asking for forgiveness to make peace. “What can children do to make the world a better place? » asked Lia Marise from Burundi. “Don’t argue, help others,” replied the Pope. A young girl from Indonesia, who Pope Francis will visit in September this year, asked what miracle he would choose to play. “That all children have what they need to live, eat, play, go to school. This is the miracle I would like to do,” he assured after responding to Federico, an Italian boy who asked him how to help suffering children.
“There are children who cannot meet their basic needs. We should all be equal, but this is not the case,” admitted Pope Francis. “This happens because of selfishness, because of injustice… Let’s all work so that there is not so much injustice in the world,” he said.
Mass for the first JMB celebrated Sunday in Saint-Pierre Square
The dialogue was interspersed with music, a short video and even a brief football match with Italian footballers in a festive atmosphere, and ended with the children offering their drawings to the Pope.
They will see him again on Sunday in Saint Peter’s Square, where he will preside over the mass of this first World Children’s Day, on the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity.
The Pope at the CDM at the Olympic Stadium in Rome (VATICAN MEDIA Divisione Foto)
Originally published in The European Times.
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