We have now arrived towards the end of March and here the time holds. Oh yes, because we have to reconstruct Milan of the next season, hoping that the mistakes of last summer and recent years will not be made: everything must be reversed, with choices not to be wrong.
The role of the sports director is very important: it must be chosen in a very short time, because we are already in a crucial month. Soon that it is late, it would be said. A club already today must plan the next season, know who the technician will be, who will confirm at the rose level, who to start and who to aim. I remember for example that Maignan, years ago, was blocked in this period. You have to hurry: DS and coach, hoping that it is the first to choose the second (the feeling is that in the end it will decide Furlani). Below, I hope there is already the square in the head of the CEO, even if not yet communicated.
Today Paratici and Allegri further on others. The manager does not exalt me: there is a Paratici with Marotta and a Paratici without Marotta, who has combined trouble. I do not tear even for Allegri, but in this corporate and environmental situation, it can be the best, after Conte.
We also record a departure of Ibrahimovic from the Milan world, officially by influence. The truth is that after the trip to the States of Furlani, the Swedish has been reduced. This, after a long time, could be the first good news. Because, let’s talk clearly, we rewind the tape and we can only see a very disappointing work. He failed sensationally in the locker room theme: he did not bring order, on the contrary, there were multiple the negative episodes of the Team Group. He also failed in terms of communication, with almost always ‘questionable’ statements, to use euphemism. On a practical level it did not bring benefits, even in the choices. Therefore, an Ibra that leaves the scene or that is put on the edge, could limit its damage and represent a point of restart. We touched him with his hand, Ibra is inadequate for the role: other profound changes would be needed, but let’s start to satisfy us, perhaps, of this …
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