The media in general is having quite a morning following last night’s presidential debate. Joe Scarborough might be having the worst one of all.
As reported earlier by The Political Insider, the debate was an all-out debacle for President Biden who often looked bewildered, slurred his words, misstated facts, and lost his train of thought with, as the New York Times said, “mouth agape.”
The normally compliant media saw the slow-motion car wreck in real-time and immediately began plotting Biden’s removal as the presumptive Democrat nominee in 2024.
Count Scarborough, who just three months ago declared the President to be “beyond cogent” and intellectually “better than he’s ever been”, among that group suggesting that may be the path forward.
“Joe Biden now cannot beat Donald Trump,” he said party insiders were telling him.
RELATED: Here Are The Best Democrat And Media Freakouts After Biden’s Disastrous Debate Performance
Joe Scarborough – Replace Biden To Save Democracy!
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said that the Democrats need to make a crucial decision to force Biden out in the name of ‘democracy.’
Funny how the media’s interpretation of ‘democracy’ is always plotting a way to get rid of a candidate chosen by the people. Like it or not, a majority of Democrats chose Biden.
Scarborough said he’d even say these things to his mother “if I believed she was standing in the way of our goals.”
Geez. What a guy.
“Now we’re talking about … democracy. Again, I’m not saying that everything happens today and maybe we wait a week,” he explained adding, “This is a battle for the future of American democracy.”
“And now is a good time,” he declared. “In June, thank God, in June, not October, in June, this is the last chance for Democrats to decide whether this man we’ve known and loved for a very long time is up to the task of running for the president of the United States.”
What a turnabout.
This past March, the same man said of Biden:
“I’ve said it for years now, he’s cogent. But I undersold him when I said he was cogent. He’s far beyond cogent. In fact, I think he’s better than he’s ever been — intellectually, analytically — because he’s been around for fifty years.”
Joe Scarborough
So bold was his proclamation that he told viewers “F you if you can’t handle the truth.”
“This version of Biden, intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever,” he stated rather proudly, in defiance of reality.
Joe Scarborough, three months ago: Biden is better than ever he’s ever been.
Joe Scarborough, today: We must replace Biden in the name of Democracy.
— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) June 28, 2024
RELATED: Watch MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough Repeatedly Using The Phrase ‘Bloodbath’
The Meltdown Continues
Aside from fretting that President Biden must be removed in order to save democracy, Joe Scarborough gifted us with this incredible interaction this morning.
In light of that wild proclamation, his wife Mika Brzezinski urged everybody on the panel to just calm down.
“Everybody calm down, and I’ll tell you why. I mean, it’s fine to not spin what happened last night. He had a terrible night,” Brzezinski urged.
“By the way, Mika, everyone’s calm here,” Scarborough said.
He later snapped, “You’re the only one raising your voice.”
Joe Scarborough snaps at his wife Mika who claimed they are panicking about Biden’s performance
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 28, 2024
Imagine a Fox News host talked down to his wife like that on television what the reaction would be.
Oh, and it’s definitely panic, Joe.
The media today looks exactly like Will Ferrell in Old School. Telling everybody, “We can’t have anyone freak out out there okay?! We gotta keep our composure!”
They’re panicked. Joe is panicked. And so is the nation for that matter.