On Europe Day, more than 60 cities across Europe will display messages calling on citizens to vote, a month before the European elections from June 6-9.
The Arc de Triomphe in Paris, the Colosseum in Rome and the Grand Place in Brussels are among the many EU monuments that will be illuminated on May 9, Europe Day and the countdown of one month for the European elections (June 6-9). They will display the election campaign slogan “Use your vote. Or others will decide for you. or the European flag between Wednesday May 8 and Thursday May 9.
Other participating iconic buildings and monuments include the Samuel Beckett Bridge and National Parliament Buildings in Dublin, Vilnius City Hall, Fort Sant’Angelo in Valletta, Presidential Palace in Bratislava, Cibeles Square in Madrid , the National Parliament in Bucharest, etc. just name a few.
As these illuminations take place in cities across the continent, the European Parliament and national and local authorities are working together to send a message of solidarity to 440 million European citizens about the importance these European elections will have for the future of each. May 9, Europe Day, is not only a day of commemoration, but also a day of reflection on our common future. The proximity of the elections makes it a more significant event than ever.
Europe Day, celebrated each year on May 9, celebrates peace and unity in Europe. The date marks the anniversary of the historic ‘Schuman Declaration’ which outlined his idea of a new form of political cooperation in Europe, which would make war between European nations unthinkable. Schuman’s proposal is considered the beginning of what is today the European Union.
You can see a list of participating monuments here, and images and photos will be available after the event.
Check the European Parliament elections press kit for more information on the European elections and the activities and role of the EP.
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