Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon, with Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein standing next to him, speaks to the media outside the General Assembly at the UN headquarters in New York, June 26, 2019. Photo: Reuters / Shannon Stapleton.
Likud chairman and MK Danny Danon called for the resignation of Belle Donati, an anchor on the British broadcaster Sky News, after comments she made in an interview with Danon last Friday which were widely panned as antisemitic.
In the interview, Donati pushed back on Danon’s calls for voluntary emigration of Gazans to Arab or Western states, calling the proposal “ethnic cleansing” and seeking to compare the move to the Holocaust, calling the Jews transfer to concentration camps “voluntary relocation.”
Danon told The Algemeiner in an interview, “I’m used to some of the anchors being hostile, but what happened on Friday crossed the line… She started with line of ethnic cleaning, and then the comparison to the Holocaust.”
Danon said he is normally calm, but this caused him “to lose it. I told her she needs to apologize.”
In a letter he addressed separately to the executive chairman of Sky News, David Rhodes, Danon wrote, “I found it particularly distressing when [Donati] audaciously likened the present situation in Gaza to the Holocaust, the largest premeditated mass murder of Jews in history.”
Sky News issued an apology later in the day of the interview, denouncing the “comparison between Mr. Danon’s comments on Israel’s war with Hamas and the treatment of Jewish people in the Holocaust. Sky News recognizes the complete inappropriateness of this comparison and the offensive nature of those comments. Sky News would like to apologize unreservedly for the comparison and to Mr. Danon personally for making the comparison.”
Danon acknowledged the apology, but wrote, “My disappointment lies in the absence of a personal and sincere apology from Ms. Belle Donati herself… Furthermore, my concern deepens as I observe her Twitter feed, which exhibits a discernible bias and a clear anti-Israel stance.”
He then called for the media group “To facilitate the immediate resignation of Ms. Donati from her current position.”
The former UN ambassador said there has yet to be a response from the group, but “I won’t be quiet until she is removed from the position.” He added that he has “received a lot of comments from people all over the world who were shocked by what happened last Friday.”
Danon has emerged since the war as a moderate voice on what he views as a humanitarian solution to the situation of Gazans – voluntary emigration. In his Wall Street Journal op-ed published with opposition MK Ram Ben-Barak, they wrote, “One idea is for countries around the world to accept limited numbers of Gazan families who have expressed a desire to relocate.” He drew comparisons to other conflicts around the world, pointing out that emigration is a natural outcome of war.
“Looking to these examples, countries around the world should offer a haven for Gaza residents who seek relocation. Countries can accomplish this by creating well-structured and internationally coordinated relocation programs. Members of the international community can collaborate to provide one-time financial-support packages to Gazans interested in moving to help with relocation costs and to ease refugees’ acclimation to their new communities,” the pair wrote.
Stressing the importance, they added, “The international community has a moral imperative—and an opportunity—to demonstrate compassion, help the people of Gaza move toward a more prosperous future and work together to achieve greater peace and stability in the Middle East.”
He added on this front that voluntary emigration is “a very legitimate discussion. Allowing those seeking to leave to facilitate that.”
Asked why he takes on combative interviews like Friday’s, he said, “It’s important to have zero tolerance for antisemitism.” More so, “I hope it can be an example for advocates for Israel.”