Two renowned mystics from different eras, Nostradamus and Baba Vanga, have made the same predictions about a devastating event set to occur in Europe in 2025. Baba Vanga, the Bulgarian prophetess who passed away in 1996, also expressed her worries about a conflict in Europe in 2025, which she believed would have devastating consequences for the continent’s population.Putin’s ‘glory’ will remain ‘untouched’Baba Vanga in an interview with writer Valentin Sidorov talked about Putin’s ‘glory’ remaining ‘untouched’. She said, ‘All will thaw, as if ice, only one remains untouched – Vladimir’s glory, glory of Russia. All will be removed by her from the way and not only will be kept, but also becomes the lord of the world,” Daily Mail reported.This statement suggests that Russia, under Putin’s leadership, will emerge as a dominant global power in the future, despite the challenges it may face.Along with her prediction of a conflict in Europe, Baba Vanga also forecast that by 2043, Europe would come under Muslim rule, and by 2076, communism would make a global return.Warned of ‘cruel wars’ in EuropeThe 16th-century French astrologer Michel de Nostredame, better known as Nostradamus, warned of “cruel wars” involving “those from the lands of Europe.” Some interpret these predictions as potentially connected to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine initiated by Putin.Additionally, he mentioned that “The ancient plague will be worse than enemies.”Aliens making contact with EarthAccording to the prophecies of Baba Vanga, Earth will experience a monumental event in 2025 with the arrival of extraterrestrial beings. These aliens are predicted to make their presence known to humanity, forever altering our perception of the universe and our place within it.She claimed that humanity’s first encounter with alien life would occur under the most peculiar of circumstances, amidst the excitement and fervor of a major sporting event, catching the world off guard.Whether aliens come with good or bad intentions, their arrival in 2025 would be a key moment in history. It would change our species and how we understand the universe forever.The possibility of encountering alien life has long been a topic of fascination and debate. If Baba Vanga’s prophecy proves accurate, it would have profound implications for our understanding of the cosmos and our role in it.‘Extraterrestrial beings among humans’Athos Salomé, 37, known as the “Living Nostradamus,” stated in an interview with the Daily Star that in 2028, humans will come to recognize the existence of extraterrestrial beings living among them.He said, “The year 2028 will mark the recognition, by people, of the existence among them of inhabitants of other planets. In the modern world, scientists’ research has proved that these predictions could be more right than many people could imagine.Discovery of mysterious new energy sourceBaba Vanga’s predictions for 2025 go beyond the arrival of extraterrestrial beings. She also foretold the discovery of a new energy source that will remain shrouded in mystery, with properties that challenge our current understanding of nature. This energy will be clean, seemingly infinite, and unlike anything humanity has encountered before, media outlet Sky History UK reported.The origins of this energy source will be a topic of intense speculation. Some will attribute it to divine intervention, believing it to be a miraculous gift from a higher power and others will propose that it is a technological advancement bestowed upon us by an intelligent extraterrestrial civilisation, far more advanced than our own.Predictions by Baba Vanga that came true
Who was Baba VangaBorn Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, Baba Vanga claimed to possess a divine gift that allowed her to see into the future after losing her sight at the age of 12. Known as the Nostradamus of the Balkans, she left behind predictions for every year until 5079, when she believed the world would end due to a natural event.